Terms of Use: Companies


An agreement established through the Rebell platform between a client and a student.
Client: Companies who use Rebell to find students to perform jobs.
Candidate: Individuals who use Rebell to search for jobs

Article 1. General

1.1  Recruitment & selection is the assignment where Rebell, on behalf of the employment (or a similar form of employment) for a client, selects one or more candidates and introduces the morally or in writing to the client. A successful completion of the recruitment& selection assignment is considered if a candidate proposed by Rebell to the client accepts the employment agreement (or is otherwise employed).

1.2  The manner in which the recruitment & selection assignment is executed by Rebell, the function to which the assignment relates, the applicability of these General Terms and Conditions, the fee and any other information and obligations are confirmed in an assignment confirmation to the client.

1.3  The client is not allowed to disclose the data of candidates proposed by Rebell to third parties without prior written permission from Rebell. If the client does not enter into an agreement with the candidate, the client must destroy the data.

1.4  Rebell provides: A digital platform for candidatesto find and apply for jobs; A digital platform for clients to submit jobs and findstudents to fulfill them.

1.5  Content: Rebell is not responsible for anycontent on its digital platform or website. However, Rebell takes measures toensure the accuracy, validity, and completeness of the content and reserves theright to adjust any profile at its discretion.

Article 2. Payment

2.1  Fees: For jobs established between the student and client, the client owes Rebell a basis service fee of 150 euro’s (excludingVAT) for acquisition. Besides this, 15% of the bruto payout of the student will be charged on top the basis fee. For social and/or sustainable organisations Rebell can charge 10% of the bruto payout of the student instead of 15%.

2.2 Liability: Rebell is not responsible or liable for: Filing tax returns, for income tax or turnover tax, or the use of insurance by the candidate; Any damages resulting from a failure to fulfill any provisions of this user agreement; The acts or omissions of a client or candidate in any form; The information provided by a client to the candidate; or When a client does not comply with applicable laws and regulations, intellectual property rights, and privacy legislation for third parties.

2.3 Rebell handles all invoicing. The full amount of the job will be paid by the client after confirming to work with a student, within 14 days.

Article 3. The Job

3.1  Liability: Rebell is not Liable for the qualityof work performed by the Candidate or the quality of the Assignment provided bythe Client. Nor is Rebell responsible for any damage caused by the candidate.

3.2 Rebell is obligated to exert itself inrecruiting and selecting suitable candidates for employment with the client.The client is responsible for deciding to enter into an employment agreementwith a candidate selected by Rebell, as well as for the contents of thatagreement. The client accepts that Rebell is in no way liable for deficienciesand/or damages caused by candidates selected by Rebell.

3.3 Client-Candidate relationship and compensation:The Client will not offer any form of compensation other than monetary to the candidate.The Client will not establish any other legal relationship with the candidate, including but not limited to employment or internship, unless a Conversion Fee is paid to Rebell.